CategoryMoney & Income

Where to place ads

Some of the readers of you asked me where to best place an ad. Here is what I know.

The app

We will look at an app that is a simple game it looks something like this:

It has childlike graphics and the hero is a red ball. In each level it has to reach the goal marked by a flag. It can be rolled to the left/right by touching the left/right side of the screen. A simplified heatmap of the clicks on the screen would probably look something like this:

Although I’m using a game for the visualization of the written word, everything I’m writing about ad placement here can be easily transferred to non-games or apps that run in portrait mode.

T he two ways

When optimizing your ad placement, there are two ways you can go: Optimizing for maximum visibility of the app or optimizing for the biggest amount of clicks, which can also be accidental.

Way one: Visibility

This is the first way. When taking it, you try to place your ad in a way that the user can see it well. When the user likes what he is seeing, he probably will click the ad.

So for our example game here, where the player has its hands placed on the bottom and most likely clicks to the left and the right half of the screen, the best position for an ad would be the centered top. When your app can be controlled by one hand and runs in portrait mode, the top left would also be a good place as most people are right handed. If you want to find the best place for maximum visibility of your ad, you can analyse the click behaviour of your user and adjust the ad placement accordingly or just use this little class I wrote to do so. For apps that run in portrait mode, the most times best place for visibility is on top.

The best placement when optimizing for visibility

Way two: Best CTR

The second way targets for both the wanted and the accidental clicks. Here, you place your ad in a way it is more likely that the user might click it by mistake. When applying this tactic, you should be aware of the TOS of your ad provider as most of them prohibit ad placements too close to often clicked areas.

For our example game, we would probably place our ad in the bottom right or bottom left because we can expect the most touch events there. Most portrait mode apps should place their ads on the bottom.

When optimizing for the best CTR, the ad should be placed like this

Which way you choose is up to you. While the latter might cause you to lose a couple of users, it will probably still generate you more money than the first one. When you want your ads to be clicked only when the user is really interested in its content, you should take the first way.


Do you have any best practices of ad placement, questions or criticism? Please feel free to share them in the comments.

Android Income Report #4: August 11

Another month is over, it’s time for income facts again.

If you are new to this series, let me explain it to you: Since Android is an open platform, I decided to be open about the income I’m making with my private Android apps too. In the last report I aimed to reach $1,005.02 for the last month. You will see if it worked out.

For all income reports, please click here.

Which Apps?

3D Invaders – about 100.000 installs (+8k), 16% active

AL Voice Recorder – about 382.000 installs (+23k), 24% active

AL Voice Recorder Ad Free – 721 installs (+31), 41% active Android App – 186 installs (+66), 30% active

SmsToSpeech full – 675 installs (+19), 42% active

What did I do?

Essentially nothing. I neither published a big update nor a new app. Still, more than 30.000 new users downloaded my apps.

The app had a huge increase in download numbers again (55%)! Furthermore, after being in the Market for more than two months, it finally got its first click grossing a total of $0.03. Hurray!

Advertising Stats

Here are some statistics from the two advertising networks I’m using, AdMob and Madvertise. Please read the second income report for an explanation of the following numbers.


Requests: 438,914 (+23k)

Impressions: 420,452 (+12k)

Fill Rate: 95.79 (-2.48%)

Clicks: 8,399 (-2.79k)

CTR: 2.00% (-0.74%)

eCPM: $0,91 (-$0.17)

House Ads: 22,309 (+16.8k)

Adjusted Requests:  461,223 (+40,5k)

Adjusted Fill Rate: 91.16 96.98% (-5,82%)


As I’m not using house ads in Madvertise, no adjusted requests and fill rates are shown here.

Requests: 250,609, (-91k)

Impressions: 53,472 (-12k)

Fill Rate: 21% (+2%)

Clicks: 2,874(-440)

CTR: 5.37% (+0,3%)

eCPM: $10,28 (+$3,76)

My AdMob performance regarding impressions and request was not bad, but the fillrate and the eCPM was. While Madvertise lost about 91,000 request compared to the previous month, it was able to compensate this by having an enormous eCPM.

How much?

Did I manage to reach my goal again? Here’s what I earned:

Madvertise: ~$550.35 (+$124.28)

AdMob: $380.68 (-$58.88)

Market sales: ~$89.31 (-$41.45)

In-App purchases: ~$8.23 (-$0.40)

Total: ~$1028.57 (+23,55)

Goal reached! Why? I would say mainly because of the weak dollar. While one Euro was worth 1.4 dollars one month ago it is now worth $1.44. This made the small difference between success and failure.

What’s next?

I’m curious if Madvertise will be able to keep up those great numbers. I will be pushing some updates this month, so I hope the download figures will increase to about 33k again. My goal for the next month is $1,100.


Please feel free to share your own experiences in the comments. Please also don’t hesitate to tell me if there is anything else you’d like to get some information about.

Android Money – Income Report #3: July 11

July is over, so it’s time for my monthly income report again.

If you are new to this series, let me explain it to you: Since Android is an open platform, I decided to be open about the income I’m making with my Android apps too. In the last report I aimed to reach $800.- for the last month. You will see if it worked out.

For all income reports, please click here.

Which Apps?

3D Invaders – about 92.000 installs (+10k), 16% active

AL Voice Recorder – about 359.000 installs (+24k), 25% active

AL Voice Recorder Ad Free – 690 installs (+40), 43% active Android App – 120 installs (+110), 35% active

SmsToSpeech full – 656 installs (+16), 44% active

What did I do?

The Android Market changed a bit and so did it’s ranking algorithm. Fortunately, this led to a slightly better ranking of the AL Voice Recorder which caused it to be downloaded 24.000 times. That’s a fantastic increase in new downloads of 60%. Accordingly, also the installs of the AL Voice Recorder Ad Free increased from almost 0 to about 40. SmsToSpeech, my other paid app, didn’t sell as many copies as in the last month, but as the ad free version of the voice recorder is way more expensive, these losses are well compensated.

The app increased an unbelievable 1100%  in downloads while grossing the same amount of money as in the last month: nothing.

Essentially, I did nothing to promote my apps. I did release some minor updates on 3D Invaders in the first half of the month but that’s it. The active install ratio of 3D invaders declined from 20% to 16% which means I have to do definitely more there.

Advertising Stats

Here are some statistics from the two advertising networks I’m using, AdMob and Madvertise. Please read the last income report for an explanation of the following numbers.


Requests: 415,263 (-45k)

Impressions: 408,058 (-47k)

Fill Rate: 98.26% (-0.74%)

Clicks: 11,192 (+2.75k)

CTR: 2.74% (+0.89%)

eCPM: $1.08 (+$0.27)

House Ads: 5,503 (-18k)

Adjusted Requests:  420,766 (-64k)

Adjusted Fill Rate: 96.98% (+2,84%)


As I’m not using house ads in Madvertise, no adjusted requests and fill rates are shown here.

Requests: 341,884, (+6,5k)

Impressions: 65,339 (+10k)

Fill Rate: 19% (+2%)

Clicks: 3,314 (+692)

CTR: 5.07% (+0,34%)

eCPM: $6,52 (+$1,08)

As you can see, the AdMob performance of my apps decreased a bit in terms of requests. Still, due to an enormous increase of the CTR, my apps were able to get a plus of 2,750 clicks. Madvertise also performed fantastic last month, getting even a slightly better fill rate this time. Overall, I’m quite satisfied with the work/effect ratio my apps produced this month.

How much?

Now that you have seen that my ad performance increased, you can probably guess that my revenue did too. This time I separated the Market sales and the In-App sales. Here are the numbers:

AdMob: $439,56 (+$71.60)

Madvertise: ~$426,07 (+$123.91)

Market sales: ~$130,76 (+$56.35)

In-App sales: ~$8,63

Total: $1,005.02 (+$260.17)

I totally reached my goal of $800. As I knew I wouldn’t have much time in the last month and as July has one more day than June, I thought this would be realistic. The change of the Android Market and the great performance of the ad networks caused my apps to do way better, resulting in the more than 1k income for the last month (hurray!).

What’s next?

I’m still working hard on our next game which is why I think I won’t have much time to spent on my private apps this month too. My goal for the next month is to reach the great numbers of this month again: $1005,02.


Please feel free to share your own experiences in the comments. Please also don’t hesitate to tell me if there is anything else you’d like to get some information about.


Android Money – Income Report #2: June 11

June is over, so it’s time for my monthly money report again.

If you are new to this series, let me explain it to you: Since Android is an open platform, I decided to be open about the income I’m making with my Android apps too. In the last report I aimed to reach $750 for the last month. You will see if it worked out.

For all money reports, please click here.

Which Apps?

You might have noticed that now has its own Android app. The number of ad requests and downloads was enormous and so was its overall success. Here are the numbers:

3D Invaders – about 82,000 installs (+10k), 20% active

AL Voice Recorder – about 335,000 installs (+15k), 26% active

AL Voice Recorder Ad Free – about 650 installs (+-0), 44% active Android App – 10 installs (+10), 30% active

SmsToSpeech full – about 640 installs (+40), 44% active

What did I do?

As you can see the AL Voice Recorder gained 15,000 new users while the overall userbase declined a bit (about 3,500 active installs were lost). 3D Invaders had some frequent updates and new weapons in the first half of the month. Some days later I also published In-App Billing. While the latter was not quite successful, the overall active downloads increased while the download-active installs-ratio stayed the same. Also, I switched back from Mobclix to AdMob which resulted in an increase in AdMob income.

The app was able to get a total of fantastic ten downloads and brought in not a single cent. AL Voice Recorder Ad Free didn’t sell many copies too, but somehow SmsToSpeech Full was sold about 40 times. I didn’t do any further investigation why this happened, but I positively accept it.

Advertising Stats

Sebastian S. suggested to include not only download numbers, but also ad statistics. Before I start some definitions:

A request happens when a device requests an ad to be served. An impression is an ad that is actually delivered and shown on the device. The fillrate is the impression-request-ratio (#impressions / #requests * 100%). The CTR (Click Through Rate) is the clicked ads-impressions-ratio (#of clicked ads / impressions * 100%). The eCPM is the average money generated by 1,000 impressions or, in other words, the value of 1,000 impressions.

I also use the term adjusted fillrate and adjusted requests . These numbers are the same as described above, but they are taking house ads into account. House ads are ads published by you in your own products. They are free of cost and are not part of the request and fillrate numbers. My settings are made in a way that house ads are only delivered if no payed ad can be displayed which is why I’m introducing these adjusted numbers here (as otherwise the transferet impression could be missleading).

Here is how the two main ad networks I used last month performed:


Requests: 460,532

Impressions: 455,912

Fillrate: 99.00%

Clicks: 8,419

CTR: 1.85%

eCPM: $0.81

House Ads: 23.,739

Adjusted Requests:  484,271

Adjusted Fillrate: 94.14%


Madvertise doesn’t offer house ads, so the adjusted numbers are equal to the normal numbers here, therefore they are not mentioned. Edit, I received an e-mail from Madvertise: Madvertise does offer house ads, but you have to mail the support for that. In the future, it will be automatically available for everyone.

Requests: 335,352,

Impressions: 55,401

Fillrate: 17%

Clicks: 2,622

CTR: 4.73%

eCPM: $5.44

The bad fillrate of Madvertise is because it is focused mainly on european countries. While the most clicks come from the UK, German clicks are by far the most expensive. They grossed an eCPM of $12.77 in the last month, so if your app targets Germany, go and use Madvertise! By the way, the customer service is also great, while it is almost not existent at AdMob.

The CTR is also way higher on Madvertise, but it seems as if this would change in this month (AdMob is becoming better).

Ok, how much?

Here is how much I earned:

AdMob: $367.96 (+$107.45)

Madvertise: ~ $302.16 (+$7.16)

Market sales: ~$74.41 (+$29.41)

Mobclix: ~$0.32 (-$50.62)

Total: ~ $744.85 (+93.38)

As you can see I disabled Mobclix very early in the last month. I didn’t reach my goal of $750, but I got very close to it. To me, it’s still satisfying.

What’s next?

This month I will have lots of work to do, so I will be able to work on my own apps only in the last third. I will focus on an new fantastic app (you will love it, I hope) and the AL Voice Recorder this time. Because I have not that much time to spend, my goal for the next month will be $800.-

Please feel free to share your own experiences in the comments. Please also don’t hesitate to tell me if there is anything else you’d like to get some information about.

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