January is over, time to sum things up.
If you are new to this series, let me explain it to you: Since Android is an open platform, I decided to be open about the income I’m making with my private Android apps too. In the last report I aimed to reach $4,000 for the last month. You will see if it worked out.
For all income reports, please click here.
Which Apps?
3D Invaders – about 192,000 installs (+25k), 16% active
AL Voice Recorder – about 592,000 installs (+53k), 23% active
AL Voice Recorder Ad Free – 913 installs (+60), 41% active
Droid-Blog.net Android App – 404 installs (+34), 15% active
SmsToSpeech full – 726 installs (+4), 38% active
A solid 79 k new downloads, nothing to complain about.
What did I do?
As some of you noticed, madvertise had a weak start into the new year. This made me work on my apps – I pushed updates for 3D Invaders and the AL Voice Recorder and worked a lot on my next app in the evenings. Furthermore, I invested 140k of the unused requests at madvertise to promote the 3D Invaders facebook page.
Advertising Stats
Here are some statistics from the two advertising networks I’m using, AdMob and Madvertise. Please read the second income report for an explanation of the following numbers.
Requests: 708,043 (+15k)
Impressions: 694,680 (+14k)
Fill Rate: 98.11% (-0.06%)
Clicks: 17.993 (-11.4k)
CTR: 2.59% (-1.74%)
eCPM: $1.31 (-$1.21)
House Ads: 937 (-406)
Adjusted Requests: 708,980 (+14k)
Adjusted Fill Rate: 97.98% (+-0.0%)
Requests: 1,204,155 (-83k)
Impressions: 160,285 (-46k)
Fill Rate: 13.31% (-2.74%)
Clicks: 6,511 (-3,621)
CTR: 4.06% (-0.84%)
eCPM: $6.48 (-$3.84)
The lower AdMob CTR is obviously related to the 140 thousand house ad impressions at madvertise that overlayed the “real” ads of AdMob. madvertise on the other hand had a weak start into the year, resulting in lower eCPMs and in a lower fill rate. I hope this will change again soon, but I’m confident.
How much?
Here are the numbers:
3D Invaders: ~$870.95
AL Voice Recorder: ~$169.19
madvertise Total: ~$1,040.14 (-$1,096.15)
3D Invaders: $289.63
AL Voice Recorder: $617.46
AdMob Total: $907.09 (-$805.27)
Market sales: ~$134.82 (+$40.09)
In-App purchases: ~$12.18 (+$2.82)
Total: ~$2,094.23 (-$1,858.51)
Compared to the last month, that’s a really bad result. However, January seems to be a harder month for ad networks than December, so it’s somewhat understandable that they both, but madvertise in particular, performed bad. When calculating the 140k house ads into money, that would be about $200, so AdMob should be close to a satisfying result again once I switch those off.
What’s next?
I didn’t reach the goal I set in the last month, so it’s $4,000 for this month again. I will put a lot of work into the app I’m currently working on, hoping I can start the beta phase early March. We will see.
Please feel free to share your own experiences and hints in the comments. Please also don’t hesitate to tell me if there is anything else you’d like to get some information about.