I started publishing my first money report after I was browsing the AndEngine Forums. Someone had published some very basic conzepts on how to monetise ones app (like ads, in-app-billing, freemium, …). Another user shared a link of a Polish blog whose owner had published some of his income data. This inspired me to go the same way and publish my private Android income too.

The others

However, as I found out, I’m not the only one. Here are some other blogs who also publicise their Android incomes:

If you know any other than that, please leave a comment.

Value vs. money

While some people are convinced that you have to make your decision between making usefull apps vs. makeing money, I’m totally sure, and my experiences prove that, that on the long run, usefull apps with a certain value to the user, continuously improved and with a neat design will pay off. A good design might be the biggest problem to most developers (including me). This is why my most important tipp here is: Go to a screen designer and give him (little) money to design your app. In most cases this will be one of the best investments you ever did.

Here’s just a little example of what I mean, you decide which one you’d prefer:

The old design of the AL Voice Recorder

The old design of the AL Voice Recorder

The new design of the AL Voice Recorder

The new design of the AL Voice Recorder