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  1. Hello,
    I want to create a chat application so i need stickers so my problem is that how to implement that in our application.

    plz help me or give some idea or give some reference link..


  2. i was actually checking the tumble panda menu and you really did a hell of a nice work!

    is there any chance i can get the source code for the menu only on android?! i need to use it in a finance app am not into gaming!

    Thank you in advance :)

    • Hello Mark,
      Thank you!
      The code is not open and will most probably not be in the near future. Since this is a game menu, it is also based on a game engine, so it would probably be better if you would use the Android SDK and its libaries for the menu of your finance app.

      Best regards,

  3. Hi

    can you please explain how to pass variable to customizied view class
    For ex: i create customized View as gifanimation purpose ,i feel very diffuculty to pass variable to in that class.

  4. Hello Johannes,

    I hope you are fine and all good, where ever you are now.

    I was reading your “Tutorial: Android Spielentwicklung – Theorie/Praxis”
    I try to learn Java and found this was a great tutorial, sadly the link to the code seems to be dead.
    Can you send mit the code of the classes? That would be awsome.

    Liebe grüße aus Deutschland.

  5. Hallo Johannes,
    I need to hire an Android developer for my Android tutoring app.
    I want to have all my gifs ready for the developer. So far they are static drawings.
    Let’s say I make 5 drawings for each gif.
    What is the best way to have a gif ready for the developer?

    • Hello Lynne,
      thank you for your comment.
      There are many free applications for creating gifs from images. Just google “gif creator” and you should find one.

      Best regards,

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