It has not been one year since I started publishing Android income reports, but it has been far more than a year since I released my first app to the Android market, so it’s time to for my first annual report. It is structured the same way my monthly reports are but with a little more detail on certain aspects.

For all my income reports, please click here.

Which Apps?

3D Invaders – about 167,000 downloads

AL Voice Recorder – about 538,000 downloads

AL Voice Recorder Ad Free – 853 downloads Android App – 370 downloads

SmsToSpeech full – 722 downloads

Unfortunately I have no numbers of my app’s last years downloads, but this will sure change next year. What might  be interesting to you is that all the above apps were published in 2010.

What did I do?

I made improvements on my apps, added great features and completely reworked the internals of the AL Voice Recorder. I did some App Store Optimization but invested also a lot of time into ANDLABS, the Android development company I cofounded.

Advertising Stats

Here are some statistics from the two advertising networks I’m using, AdMob and Madvertise. Please read my second income report for an explanation of the following numbers.


Requests: 6,539,380

Impressions: 6,339,677

Fill Rate: 96.95%

Clicks: 151,543

CTR: 2.39%

eCPM: $1.06

House Ads: 3,201,330

House Ad Clicks: 33,007

House Ad CTR: 1,03%

Adjusted Requests:  9,740,710

Adjusted Fill Rate: 65.01%

Now what’s pretty interesting here is the house Ads. When you have been following my income report series, you probably saw that my house ad requests were close to zero in the last months. This means that, in the beginning of 2011, AdMob had far less ads to serve than they have now.


As I’m not using house ads in madvertise, no adjusted requests and fill rates are shown here.

Requests: 4,819,463

Impressions: 917,899

Fill Rate: 19.05%

Clicks: 43,989

CTR: 4.79%

eCPM: $8.75

When you took a look at my last monthly income report, you will notice that about a quarter of my requests and impressions on madvertise were generated in December. This truly was an awesome month!

How much?

Here we go.


3D Invaders: ~$6,750.41

AL Voice Recorder: ~$1,292.61

madvertise Total: ~$8043,02


3D Invaders: $2,089.43

AL Voice Recorder: $4,601.90

AdMob Total: $6,691.25

Market sales (includes In-App purchases): ~$1,595.82

Total: ~$16,330.09

That’s an average of $1,360.85 per month. Nothing one could live of in a city as expensive as Munich but, since this were only my private apps, still a satisfying result.


Let’s analyze this a bit. A pretty interesting thing is the development of my impressions vs. my income on AdMob. Let’s look at some graphs:

AdMob impressions 2011

AdMob impressions 2011

AdMob income 2011

AdMob income 2011

As you can see, my impressions and my income totaly don’t fit at the beginning of the year. However, when taking a look at my eCPM, this correlates pretty good:

AdMob eCPM 2011

AdMob eCPM 2011

While I had lots of impressions at the beginning of the year, the eCPM AdMob provided at the end of 2011 was able to top the results of that period by several 100%.

With madvertise, I had a similar szenario income wise. As I wrote above, I made most of my impressions in the last month(s) of this year, same with my revenue:

madvertise income 2011

madvertise income 2011


What’s next?

For this year I’m planing to release some awesome apps and hence want to make an awesome income. This is why my goal for this year is to have one month with an income of at least $10,000. I hope this will work out.

Please feel free to share your own experiences, hints and opinions in the comments. Please also don’t hesitate to tell me if there is anything else you’d like to get some information about.