
Android Income Report #7: November 11

Another month is over, it’s time for income facts again.

If you are new to this series, let me explain it to you: Since Android is an open platform, I decided to be open about the income I’m making with my private Android apps too. In the last report I aimed to reach $2,000 for the last month. You will see if it worked out.

For all income reports, please click here.

Which Apps?

3D Invaders – about 137,000 installs (+19k), 16% active

AL Voice Recorder – about 486,000 installs (+53k), 24% active

AL Voice Recorder Ad Free – 816 installs (+43), 41% active

Droid-Blog.net Android App – 348 installs (+46), 22% active

SmsToSpeech full – 715 installs (+17), 41% active

More than 70 thousand new downloads. What a great result!

What did I do?

I sat and waited. In other words: I did nothing affecting the apps mentioned in this report.

Advertising Stats

Here are some statistics from the two advertising networks I’m using, AdMob and Madvertise. Please read the second income report for an explanation of the following numbers.


Requests: 627,885 (+154k)

Impressions: 611,153 (+157k)

Fill Rate: 97.34% (+1.37%)

Clicks: 18,160 (+8.8k)

CTR: 2.97% (+0.92%)

eCPM: $1.40 (+$0.44)

House Ads: 565 (-4.4k)

Adjusted Requests:  628,450 (+150k)

Adjusted Fill Rate: 97.25% (+2.28%)


As I’m not using house ads in Madvertise, no adjusted requests and fill rates are shown here.

Requests: 1,112,482 (+267k)

Impressions: 165,040 (+43k)

Fill Rate: 14.84% (+0.44%)

Clicks: 7669 (+3,015)

CTR: 4.65% (+0.82%)

eCPM: $9.14 (-$0.17)

While both ad networks performed awesome in the month before, they did even better in the last month. Both click through rates increased and I was able to cross the one-million-requests-mark in madvertise.

How much?

No more prose, just numbers:


3D Invaders: ~$1,044.33

AL Voice Recorder: ~$464.50

Madvertise Total: ~$1,508.83 (+$375.24)


3D Invaders: $310.01

AL Voice Recorder: $548.21

AdMob Total: $858.22 (+$423.26)


Market sales: ~$97.77 (+$10.75)

In-App purchases: ~$5.96 (-$2.23)


Total: ~$2,470.78 (+$807.02)

Another 800 dollar increase! As far as I’m concerned, that’s a growth rate I can live with.

What’s next?

Again, I expect the level of new installs to stay stable in this month. Since four days of this month already passed and numbers look good, I’m aiming to reach the next big goal of $3,000 in the next month.

Please feel free to share your own experiences and hints in the comments. Please also don’t hesitate to tell me if there is anything else you’d like to get some information about.

Android Income Report #6: October 11

Another month is over, it’s time for income facts again.

If you are new to this series, let me explain it to you: Since Android is an open platform, I decided to be open about the income I’m making with my private Android apps too. In the last report I aimed to reach $1,100 for the last month, a goal which I failed to reach the month before. You will see if it worked out this time.

For all income reports, please click here.

Which Apps?

3D Invaders – about 118,000 installs (+11k), 14% active

AL Voice Recorder – about 433,000 installs (+34k), 23% active

AL Voice Recorder Ad Free – 773installs (+26), 41% active

Droid-Blog.net Android App – 302 installs (+77), 22% active

SmsToSpeech full – 698 installs (+12), 43% active

More then 45,000 new downloads, that’s really amazing!

What did I do?

Last month I pushed some updates, this month I did some ASO again. I did this around the 16th. Since then download numbers increased a lot. Let’s see how this changed my advertising statistics.

Advertising Stats

Here are some statistics from the two advertising networks I’m using, AdMob and Madvertise. Please read the second income report for an explanation of the following numbers.


Requests: 473,103 (+125k)

Impressions: 454,031 (+130k)

Fill Rate: 95,07% (+2,97%)

Clicks: 9,302 (+2k)

CTR: 2.05% (-0.23%)

eCPM: $0.96 (-$0.8)

House Ads: 4,976 (-4.7k)

Adjusted Requests:  478,079 (+120k)

Adjusted Fill Rate: 94.97 90,51 (+4,46%)


As I’m not using house ads in Madvertise, no adjusted requests and fill rates are shown here.

Requests: 845,343 (+556k)

Impressions: 121.656 (+68k)

Fill Rate: 18% (+-0%)

Clicks: 4,654 (+2362)

CTR: 3,83% (-0,44%)

eCPM: $9,31 (+$1.12)

Performances of both networks were amazing. Since I added madvertise to the AL Voice Recorder in the end of last month, madvertise’s numbers had been even more amazing than AdMob’s. I also integrated the new madvertise SDK. I didn’t experience any increase in the fillrate since then, but my CTR improved by about 0,58%.

How much?


3D Invaders: ~$585.04

AL Voice Recorder: ~$548.55

Madvertise Total: ~$1,133.59 (+$692.86)

Goal reached! But since that’s not all at all, here’s what I earned with my other streams:


3D Invaders: $137.71

AL Voice Recorder: $297.25

AdMob Total: $434.95 (+$96.21)


Market sales: ~$87.02 (+$21,70)

In-App purchases: ~$8,19 (+$3.73)


Total: ~$1,663.75 (+$814.50)

I know I used the word amazing a couple of times in this post, but that’s exactly what last month was, especially in the second half. When seeing an income of about $60 every day, this is really motivating and also a lot of fun.

What’s next?

I expect the level of new installs to stay stable in this month. I will put some effort into a new app to finally get another stream soon. I will probably not manage to increase my Android-income by almost 100% again, but I expect it to rise further.

So, for this month, I’m targeting the magic mark of $2,000. A competitive goal, but I’m convinced I will reach it.



Please feel free to share your own experiences and hints in the comments. Please also don’t hesitate to tell me if there is anything else you’d like to get some information about.

Android Income Report #5: September 11

Another month is over, it’s time for income facts again. Please excuse the delay, I’ll try to be more on time next month.

If you are new to this series, let me explain it to you: Since Android is an open platform, I decided to be open about the income I’m making with my private Android apps too. In the last report I aimed to reach $1,100 for the last month. You will see if it worked out.

For all income reports, please click here.

Which Apps?

3D Invaders – about 107,000 installs (+7k), 15% active

AL Voice Recorder – about 399,000 installs (+17k), 24% active

AL Voice Recorder Ad Free – 747 installs (+27), 41% active

Droid-Blog.net Android App – 235 installs (+44), 26% active

SmsToSpeech full – 686 installs (+11), 42% active

What did I do?

At about the 20th of September it was clear that I wouldn’t hit my goals. Fortunately I was just in between two projects and was able to invest a day. In that time I reworked the AL Voice Recorder technically and added two new features: A seekbar (finally!) and speech to text for the naming of records. Additionally I did something I should have done a long time ago: I integrated madvertise. I also published a minor update for 3D Invaders, but added no big features.

Advertising Stats

Enough talking, lets start with the facts!

Here are some statistics from the two advertising networks I’m using, AdMob and Madvertise. Please read the second income report for an explanation of the following numbers.


Requests: 348,715 (-90k)

Impressions: 324,318 (-96k)

Fill Rate: 93% (-2.79%)

Clicks: 7,390 (-1k)

CTR: 2.28% (+0.28%)

eCPM: $1.04 (+$0.13)

House Ads: 9,620 (-12.7k)

Adjusted Requests:  358,335 (-102k)

Adjusted Fill Rate: 90,51 (-0,65%)


As I’m not using house ads in Madvertise, no adjusted requests and fill rates are shown here.

Requests: 291,556 (+40k)

Impressions: 53,706 (+300)

Fill Rate: 18% (-3%)

Clicks: 2,292(-582)

CTR: 4,27% (-1.1%)

eCPM: $8,19 (-$2.09)

Performances of both networks were not as good as in the previous month. Since I added madvertise to the voice recorder who worse CTR than 3D Invaders, I can probably expect madvertise’s CTR to drop a little further this month.

How much?

This time I split up my ad revenue to give you a better overview of the potential performance of games vs. tools:


3D Invaders: ~$398,72

AL Voice Recorder: ~$42,01

Madvertise Total: ~$440.73 (-$109.62)



3D Invaders: $134.13

AL Voice Recorder: $204.61

AdMob Total: $338,74 (-$41,94)


Market sales: ~$65,32 (-$24,08)

In-App purchases: ~$4.46 (-$3.77)


Total: ~$849.25 (-179.32)

I missed my goal big time. The retrogressive growth of my app downloads were clearly visible in my income this time. I hope the changes I made and will make will lead my income into the right direction for this month.

What’s next?

In the second half I hope I’ll be able to do a bit more development on my own apps so that I’ll be able to make some new releases soon. We will see.

Since I missed my goal for the last month, this time it again is $1,100.


Please feel free to share your own experiences and hints in the comments. Please also don’t hesitate to tell me if there is anything else you’d like to get some information about.

7 reasons why it’s great to be an app developer

When the iPhone and the first Android SDK hit the public back in 2007, the word ‘app’ was not very present. Today, everyone knows what an app is and more and more people are developing them. The markets are being flooded by new apps, every day about thousand of them are being published solely on the Android Market. Most developers don’t even get a chance to make a living by their apps because most times, there is a professional company doing a better job in shorter time because they have more resources. So why become an app developer? Just to try to be one of the few successful developers out of thousands? Here are 7 reasons why it’s great to be an app developer:

1. The users

When you are developing your own apps, and that is what most people do at the beginning, there comes a point when your app is released. The great thing now is that your app will probably reach more users than any other piece of software you have written ever has (A quick comparison: This blog, which is software too, gets about 5.000 impressions each month, the AL Voice Recorder gets about 750.000). And they will give you feedback. You will see whether your idea, implementation and enhancements will be well received or not pretty quickly. It’s really great to see how people are engaging in your software and help you to improve.

2. It’s highly agile

There is probably no other field in software development that’s as agile as app development is. The contact with the customer (either your users or the people that pay you) is tight, prototyping is rapid.

3. Ideas are welcome

Because the environment is highly agile, it is way more likely that your ideas will be listened to and implemented. In most cases, this is explicitly desired and most times the reason why you are getting a job or, if ideas are missing, not.

4. It’s an act of creation

Like most software development, app development is an act of creation. The difference lays in its agileness. Because of the fast prototyping, you can test and enjoy the result of your work really fast which is a great motivation.

5. There is room for try and error

When you don’t know how things work, you use try and error. That should happen in the beginning but become less and less as you advance on your field of development. Still, there is room for try and error when it comes to new features: When you don’t know whether your users will accept a new app or feature of yours and don’t have the time or money to do a survey, you simply publish it in the market or to your private beta testers. You will know whether your idea was an error really quick!

6. It’s fun

All the agility, the act creation, the room for own ideas and the user feedback result in one thing: App development is fun (most times)!

7. There is money

Because fun is great but doesn’t pay bills: Of course there’s money to make in app development. As long as your app doesn’t suck and your target audience is big enough, there’s no reason why your app shouldn’t be successful.


Personally, I think it’s useless to do things that are not great most of the times you do them. So to me and a lot other people, app development really is great and a great path to walk on.

What’s your path? Why do you think app development is great? Please feel free to tell us in the comments.

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